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How to work at heights in Gladstone?

Working at heights is challenging especially when it comes to safety of the worker. We all know that an incident can happen anytime so we better prepare for the worse. How are we going to secure our men at heights. First, we have to give them proper training before we send them to the heart of work. We need to assure that  their skills are enough for the work. Climbing heights is not just about having courage because it requires skills, bravery and preparation thus, working at heights training is necessary.  

Giving advanced training

With our passion to train our workforce coupled with our integrity, we aim at providing advanced skills and knowledge on working at heights. It is a must for every worker to undertake work at heights Gladstone and also complete the necessary prerequisite of the course like covering selection, inspection and safe use of equipment, risk management and company procedures.

Working at heights training in Gladstone gives our trainees a comprehensive procedure recommended for those working in civil construction, coal mining, drilling, infrastructure, and extractive industries. You will be required to spend a lot of time as a stand-by working at heights, whether in scaffolding, or large equipment. 

This course focuses on heights safety and secured working techniques at heights. Upon completion of this rigorous program, trainees will receive a statement of attainment but to Covid 19 measures, trainees are allowed to complete the coursework from home and attend a 1-on-1 assessment in person later. This is designed to help our trainees in improving their skill in a safe environment.

With all of these strategies taught to our trainees we can lessen the chance of having an accident in the field. That’s the least thing that we want in our team. Besides, by giving these trainees a certificate which they can use anywhere in Australia, we can assure them that they can find a job everywhere. They are not just ready for work but also licensed to do the job. 


We, at GTS know the rules of the construction industry. We are responsible and professional when it comes to work balance, protection and security. We are looking forward to a productive working experience with our partners. We build our name based on grit and integrity so when you make business with us, it is our privilege and a chance to show what we can do efficiently.

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